Impact of the digital economy of SMEs in El Oro. INCARPALM CASE
Digital economy, Digitization, ICTs, Artificial Intelligence, Business Competitiveness, PYMESAbstract
The digital economy aims to stimulate customer loyalty, potentiate innovation and optimize the use of resources. The field of digitalization, through a wide range of technologies, allows the economy to achieve a plus of profitability, this of course has generated a great demand for human resources, services and the recruitment of new users. This is how the growth of digital operations between businesses and consumers marks the opportunity to introduce advanced techniques. Enabling the adoption of new methods that ensure continued growth that provides consumers with making the most of the demand for products and services. Ecuador has a lot of potential to explore, mainly in the field of Internet use, purchases, sales and media, and the introduction of the digital economy has benefited many of the medium and small companies in the province of El Oro, promoting the generation of productivity. in organizations, allowing them to adapt to market demands. By introducing the use of technological networks in the economy, it is possible to have within reach the possibility of entering various businesses, generating sources of resources (artificial intelligence) and the general opening in recent years of new sales channels, electronic commerce and promotion, as well as improvement of the situation and productivity of the PYMES sector through digital data techniques. Proof of this is the development of the case study in the company INCARPALM that, through a capacity assessment, identifies challenges and opportunities that determine the level of commitment of senior management, which technology of the information and communication are used and establishes the advantages of using economics. digital in the way they operate and engage with customers. The result is evidence of how the digital economy has transformed the way companies operate, interact with customers and create value. Companies that adapt to this new digital reality have the opportunity to gain competitive advantage and stay relevant in an ever-evolving business environment.
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