Profit maximization analysis using the linear programming model in the company "Confecciones Gloria"


  • Ronny Alexander Farinango Salazar Docente Universidad Metropolitana Sede Machala
  • Janner Ariel Porres Requenes Graduado Universidad Metropolitana Sede Machala



linear programming, maximization, capital, variables, raw material, optimization


The main purpose of the research is to develop the linear programming model to determine the optimal way to maximize profits based on the ideal production of different products. The final objective is to maximize by means of an objective function, which is a mathematical expression according to the level of production and the respective prices of each product of the company, while a series of restrictions also called inequalities are met. To achieve this, in terms of methodology, it has been outlined as a mixed investigation (qualitative and quantitative), and it is exploratory. The problem involves a profit maximization model where the data to be analyzed are numerical values, this mathematical model also requires an understanding of the characteristics and restrictions existing in the company's production system. The start phase entails the elaboration of a table of resources and products providing essential information for the construction of the restrictions; then the application of the graphic method is carried out where feasible areas and possible solutions to the problem are defined; the feasible solution point is replaced in the objective function providing the maximum benefit. The resulting model will provide the necessary support to make appropriate decisions within the company. In this research, the problems are presented in an abstract way through a mathematical approach that allows them to be solved numerically. This approach will allow obtaining precise quantitative solutions, providing a solid foundation for informed and effective decision-making in the business context.


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How to Cite

Farinango Salazar, R. A., & Porres Requenes, J. A. (2024). Profit maximization analysis using the linear programming model in the company "Confecciones Gloria". Desarrollo Sustentable, Negocios, Emprendimiento Y Educación, 6(57), 26–40.


