Analysis of customer satisfaction with the quality of service in a residential


  • Luis Felipe Nápoles Rojas Universidad de Holguín
  • Mayra Rosario Moreno Pino Universidad de Holguín
  • Franklim Lukibo Bivingo Universidade Cuito Cuanavale



satisfacción, cliente, calidad, servicio, fidelidad


The effort to create a unique experience that equals or exceeds the satisfaction of customer expectations in a hotel facility is an intrinsic objective of its management, which guides its processes to provide an excellent service in an increasingly demanding and participatory in the formation of the tourist experience. In this sense, the objective of this article is to analyze the behavior of customer satisfaction with the quality of service in a Residential from a loyalty perspective, in order to identify areas and indicators of improvement in this establishment. The procedure to fulfill this objective was based on the established relationship between the priority of the attributes that make up the quality of the service and the perception of how customers experience it. The information collection instrument used was the questionnaire, including variables for the reception, room and restaurant areas. As main results, a state of global satisfaction of the expectations of the clients who visit the facility is achieved, with the quality of the service, with a highly significant, positive and strong correlation to the loyalty that they express, identifying opportunities for improvement in the least valued attributes in the three areas analyzed such as: speed, technique, initiatives and flexibility of employee service, as well as the taste and variety of food in the restaurant area.


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How to Cite

Nápoles Rojas, L. F., Moreno Pino, M. R., & Lukibo Bivingo, F. (2024). Analysis of customer satisfaction with the quality of service in a residential. Desarrollo Sustentable, Negocios, Emprendimiento Y Educación, 6(59), 86–98.


