Proposal for a logistics business plan for customizing deliveries in Mexico




E-commerce, Last mile, Entrepreneurship, Business plan, Hand carrier


In 2023, Mexico was consolidated as the country with the highest growth in E-Commerce (EC) retail globally, which reduced the distrust gap of end customers significantly and incentivized a relevant digital economy and negotiation that we call "online shopping", improving the efficiency of the last mile logistics supply chain (SC). The present research shows a proposal for the development of a MSME to be established as a frame of reference in one of the municipalities of the State of Mexico; Melchor Ocampo and its surroundings, offering a logistic service destined to the final customer. To evaluate the feasibility of this business plan, a sample of 18 small entrepreneurs that could benefit from this logistics service was selected. The findings of the analysis show that there is a solid feasibility for launching a personalized logistics distribution business, hand-delivered and customized, tailored to customers who need to meet specific personal and small business needs. In addition, the findings suggest opportunities for future research into hand carrier services targeted at individuals requiring specialized logistics solutions. 


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How to Cite

Elizarraras Hernández , J., Bernal Olvera , J. V., & Gutiérrez Pallares , E. (2024). Proposal for a logistics business plan for customizing deliveries in Mexico. Desarrollo Sustentable, Negocios, Emprendimiento Y Educación, 6(58), 55–64.


