Soft skills: fundamental pillars for employability in the 21st century




Soft skills, employability, sustainable, unavoidable, changes, adaptation


This article addresses the current dynamics of skills and employability in higher education students, contextualizing the demands of the labor market in the face of a constantly changing economic and technological environment. It accentuates the imminent value of soft skills as an area of opportunity in employability options and their preservation, prioritizing the need to adapt to digitalization and automation. It is an inescapable reality the priority relevance of education and continuous training to meet the changing demands of the market and companies, as well as the challenges associated with labor informality, never leaving aside the geographical disparities in the world around us. Consequently, the growing trend towards entrepreneurship and self-employment as strategies to strengthen employability in a context of economic and social diversity is prescriptive. This analysis provides an opportunity for a holistic view of key factors influencing employability and even self-employment.


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How to Cite

Gutiérrez Pallares, J., Bernal Pérez, M. B., & Gutiérrez Pallares, E. (2024). Soft skills: fundamental pillars for employability in the 21st century. Desarrollo Sustentable, Negocios, Emprendimiento Y Educación, 6(58), 65–76.


