The role of the influencer in digital marketing:

Exploring the connection between brand ambassadors and their target audience




Influencer Marketing, Brand Ambassadors, Emotional Connection


The evolution of digital marketing has been marked by the growth of influencers as essential components in brand promotion strategies. This analysis investigates the key role of influencers in creating links between brands and their target audience, highlighting their role as brand ambassadors. It explores how influencers establish authentic connections with their followers and how this authenticity strengthens the credibility and impact of the brand's message. Additionally, effective collaboration strategies between brands and influencers, performance evaluation, and the ethical challenges involved are reviewed. Finally, future trends in influencer marketing are discussed and the continued importance of this tool in the digital marketing environment is emphasized.


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How to Cite

Ruíz Valdés, S., Ruíz Tapia, J. A., & Gómez Chagoya, M. del C. (2025). The role of the influencer in digital marketing:: Exploring the connection between brand ambassadors and their target audience. Desarrollo Sustentable, Negocios, Emprendimiento Y Educación, 7(63), 58–69.


