Strategic circles of innovation. Milk sector

An exploratory sample in Colombia


  • Miguel Antonio Valencia Idrobo Unidades Tecnológicas de Santander. (UTS)
  • José David Peñuela Lizcano Unidades Tecnológicas de Santander. (UTS)



Colombian dairy sector


The technological management system is an integral part of the logistics system, taking as a starting point the relationship between the activities carried out by the technological management method and the activities of the logistics cycle. In such a way, that for this initially a conceptual analysis is carried out in which the main activities of the logistics chain are identified. Then the logistics method and its operation are characterized throughout the mentioned cycle, which is extended with new stages and processes. Subsequently, the technological management system is defined as a support system for the logistics system. The permanent changes of the environment and the very process of the organizations require dynamic, adaptable and continuous intelligence systems that contribute to the fundamental knowledge for their development and their success in the market. The technological management system in companies is not always one of the best decisions so that it can be applied successfully, however, management must implant in its human capital an awareness so that technology is managed continuously, permanently and practically. to obtain optimal results in each area of the organization. The permanent changes of the environment and the process itself of the organizations require dynamic, adaptable, and continuous intelligence systems that fundamentally contribute to the development of the productive processes, and to the success in the market.

Author Biographies

Miguel Antonio Valencia Idrobo, Unidades Tecnológicas de Santander. (UTS)

Magister en Gestión de Organizaciones, Especialista en Docencia Universitaria, Especialista en Consumo Masivo, Administrador de Empresas. Unidades Tecnológicas de Santander. (UTS). Programa Mercadeo y Gestión Comercial.

José David Peñuela Lizcano, Unidades Tecnológicas de Santander. (UTS)

Doctor en Desarrollo Sostenible, Magister en Ciencias Económicas, Economista. Unidades Tecnológicas de Santander. (UTS). Programa Mercadeo y Gestión Comercial. Correo:;


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How to Cite

Valencia Idrobo, M. A., & Peñuela Lizcano, J. D. (2023). Strategic circles of innovation. Milk sector: An exploratory sample in Colombia. Desarrollo Sustentable, Negocios, Emprendimiento Y Educación, 5(41), 55–67.


