Influence of transformational leadership on the teacher work environment


  • Edwin Andrés Hernández Álvarez Unidades Tecnológicas de Santander
  • Nelly Clavijo Bustos Unidades Tecnológicas de Santander
  • Luz Helena Mendoza Castro Unidades Tecnológicas de Santander



transformational leadership, teacher work environment


Transformational leadership focuses on maximizing the interest of the Personnel in achieving the business purpose, through the capacity for innovation and change, and must highlight the well-being of the group above personal interest. The article aims to measure the relationship between transformational leadership and the work environment in the Technological Institution of Santander Technological Units. For this, a descriptive, non-experimental correlational study was carried out; The study was carried out during the first semester of 2022, with an objective sample of 30 professors from the Business Administration program of the Faculty of Socioeconomic Sciences; For the measurement and data collection, a data collection instrument was used that measures two variables. The transformational leadership variable consists of 3 dimensions of 15 items and the work environment variable assesses 3 dimensions of 15 items. The results were analyzed with the Pearson correlation coefficient. Values ​​of the two variables (transformational leadership and work environment) were totaled in each of its items and the general hypothesis is the level of moderate positive correlation r=0.512141069, which means that there is a linear relationship between the variables, this is due to the fact that teachers perceive that the immediate boss shows behaviors and actions that motivate the achievement of objectives, innovation and problem solving are promoted, with clear examples and teaching and learning mechanisms are managed.


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How to Cite

Hernández Álvarez, E. A., Clavijo Bustos, N., & Mendoza Castro, L. H. (2023). Influence of transformational leadership on the teacher work environment. Desarrollo Sustentable, Negocios, Emprendimiento Y Educación, 5(41), 76–84.


