Distribution channels as a hotel demand booster: the Omnibees system





Distribution Channels, Omnibees, Demand, Hospitality


The strong advance of technology in the lodging sector has become a determining factor for greater sales reach and consequently, technology companies such as Omnibees have stood out in the market. The purpose of this research is to analyze the influence of Omnibees’ digital distribution on hotel demand. The methodological procedures used were a literature review and the application of two structured questionnaires, one for hotels that use the Omnibees system and the other for the Operations Manager of the company in question. As main results, it is noted that distribution channels play a significant role in expanding hotel connections, as well as the positive perception of hoteliers when using the technological system to manage reservations.


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How to Cite

Correa, C., & Oliveira Santos, C. L. (2024). Distribution channels as a hotel demand booster: the Omnibees system. TURYDES Turismo Y Desarrollo Local Sostenible, 17(36), 11–27. https://doi.org/10.51896/turydes.v17i36.535


