Importance of meat for the global agri-food matrix
meat, food, agriculture, communityAbstract
The production and consumption of meat play a central and indispensable role for the global food regime, imposed on current societies by the hegemonic West through multilateral organizations such as the World Health Organization, WHO, the United Nations Organization for Food and Agriculture, FAO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, NATO, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, OECD and the Economic Commission for Latin America, CEPAL. Meat production exerts a considerable influence that extends to various aspects, such as the loss of biodiversity and water sources, the deterioration of soils, water and air pollution, the systematic and widespread violation of human rights, the deterioration of local knowledge, traditional cuisine and the social fabric. This article highlights the crucial importance of meat to the global hegemonic agri-food matrix, exploring how its presence in the food chain not only shapes the agricultural industry, but also has significant ramifications for human health, the environment and society. as a whole. Although the discourse of multilateral organizations and States is that meat production, as well as its availability and accessibility, are key elements to address malnutrition and guarantee a balanced diet, what is promoted is hunger and malnutrition, especially in regions where other food sources are limited due to meat production.
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