Multidimensional independent work: challenges to Cuban universities in the 21st century




Autonomy, skills, independent work, creative and innovating subjects


This article addresses independent work in universities as a complex process, aimed at developing the knowledge, skills and values ​​for the autonomous activity of future professionals in the midst of the growing demands in current conditions. The objective is to approach the problem from the practices of the Sociocultural Management for Development degree at the University of Holguín, the progress made and the insufficiencies that are manifested, as well as the ways for its improvement. To achieve the objective, a qualitative analysis of classes, independent work guides, participation in workshops, seminars and practical classes, as well as methodological exchange with teachers and students, were carried out. The quality of independent work planning in relation to the objectives of the academic years and professional problems as well as the multidimensionality in the treatment and demands of activities aimed at the development of creative autonomy were determined as fundamental variables to evaluate.The results achieved in the research allow us to serve as a starting point for continuous improvement. It is concluded that under current conditions, a progressive paradigm shift is imposed in pedagogical practices, where the fundamental subjects of the process are the students, who increasingly need comprehensive empowerment that allows them to independently and creatively solve complex problems. problems that must be faced as competent professionals.


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How to Cite

Guach Estévez, J. L., & Hevia Carro, E. (2024). Multidimensional independent work: challenges to Cuban universities in the 21st century. Observatorio De Las Ciencias Sociales En Iberoamérica, 5(2), 32–43.


