Clinical signs in the oral cavity originated by stress


  • Victor Michael Hernandez Tenorio Cirujano dentista especialista en prótesis bucal e implantología
  • Carolina Alvarez Chaparro Residente de Medicina del Trabajo y Ambiental, IMSS



oral cavity, stress, clinical signs, bruxism, oral health


Stress is a psychological state that human beings experience throughout their lives due to various conditions, but when it becomes chronic and very recurrent, it can cause damage at both the immunological and mental levels, and even cause problems in the teeth of people. The oral cavity is also linked to possible physical manifestations of psychological origin. Oral symptoms such as facial pain, oral dysesthesia, headache, tooth mobility, grinding and clenching, among others. It is essential to remember that oral symptoms are often complex. Different people may respond differently to psychological variables and varying oral health. Bruxism is the main oral pathology with clinical manifestations and impact on the quality of life of patients. It is essential that dentists and medical professionals recognize and resolve these vital problems. The objective is demonstrate the clinical signs in the oral cavity caused by stress. The method is a systematic review of published observational studies.


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How to Cite

Hernandez Tenorio, V. M., & Alvarez Chaparro, C. (2024). Clinical signs in the oral cavity originated by stress . Revista De Investigación Latinoamericana En Competitividad Organizacional, 6(23), 68–72.


