The role of financial inclusion in the development of the professional profile of university students


  • María Luisa Becerril Carbajal Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
  • Adriana Fonseca Munguía Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
  • Elizabeth Ramírez Fuentes Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México



Inclusion, financial services, university students


To determine whether financial inclusion influences the development of the professional profile of university students, a comprehensive study was carried out to analyze how access to adequate financial services can influence students' ability to achieve their academic and professional goals. As a result, it is observed that financial inclusion is not only related to economic aspects, but also plays a crucial role in the promotion of planning, decision-making, and time management skills. In this sense, the findings of the research highlight that university students who have access to financial tools such as bank accounts, credit cards or financial education programs; they tend to have better academic performance and greater preparation to face the world of work. Likewise, the ability to effectively manage economic resources influences the autonomy, responsibility and adaptability of students; aspects that are considered fundamental for their personal and professional growth. In this way, financial inclusion emerges as a determining factor in the comprehensive education of university students, contributing not only to their academic success, but also to the development of key competencies for their professional future; therefore, promoting financial inclusion practices in the university environment is an effective strategy to enhance the professional profile of students and prepare them to face the challenges of the world of work in a more solid and confident way.


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How to Cite

Becerril Carbajal, M. L., Fonseca Munguía, A., & Ramírez Fuentes, E. (2025). The role of financial inclusion in the development of the professional profile of university students. Revista De Investigación Latinoamericana En Competitividad Organizacional, 7(25), 9–22.


