The implementation of Project-Based Learning (PBL) as a strategy to address educational backwardness


  • Lenin Orlando Salcido Bastidas Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa, México
  • Claudia Lizzeth Nevárez Sámano Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa, México
  • Mónica Liliana Rivera Obregón Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa, México



Educational Lag, Teacher Training, Student Engagement, Project-Based Learning, Education


Project-Based Learning (PBL) is proposed as a strategy to address educational lag in high school. A qualitative case study was conducted using a descriptive approach, as it is a methodology widely used in the educational field. 15 students who participated in a PBL project were surveyed. The results showed that PBL has benefits such as teamwork and the application of knowledge to real-world situations, but also challenges such as time management and collaboration with different learning styles. Students consider that PBL can be effective in reducing educational lag, as long as teacher training is promoted, relevant and challenging projects are designed, adequate resources are provided, and effective evaluation strategies are established. It is suggested to continue research by expanding the study sample and analyzing the implementation of PBL in different educational contexts.


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How to Cite

Salcido Bastidas, L. O., Nevárez Sámano, C. L., & Rivera Obregón, M. L. (2025). The implementation of Project-Based Learning (PBL) as a strategy to address educational backwardness. Revista De Investigación Latinoamericana En Competitividad Organizacional, 6(24), 125–136.


