Inventory reconciliation and merchandise tracking in the painting industry in Mexico




supply chain, value added, inventories, merchandise tracking, logistics


The supply chain is increasingly complex, making each link more robust; inventories for the company are highly relevant to provide added value and have a significant impact on profits, goals and objectives. In this complexity, the reconciliation of inventories within warehouses and distribution centers is a complex system to match the physical inventory and the one registered in the system (WMS) to where discrepancies include multiple results in significant incidents. The present article shows a technique of comparative analysis of inventories in a paint company, where the reconciliation of the inventory is determined from a methodology of tracking of goods between the ERP system and the physical counts. The methodology applied is through the tracking of goods the variable time per day and temporary production spaces to 2000 different items together with the cyclical counts that are carried out and the analysis by means of the registration in databases of the systems for the tracking of the goods that generate differences in the inventory. The results show that the methodology of comparative differences is a tactical strategy in counting, reconciliation and tracking of goods in the inventory, significantly reducing incidents and obtaining inventory control strategies, that can not only be used in the productive sector of paints, but to expand as a methodology of application for multiple sectors of the logistics of diverse companies.


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How to Cite

Gutiérrez Pallares, E., Vázquez Valerio, G. A., & González Rojo, M. (2025). Inventory reconciliation and merchandise tracking in the painting industry in Mexico. Revista De Investigación Latinoamericana En Competitividad Organizacional, 6(24), 137–149.


