Analysis of the conceptual structure of the degree of financial education in university students of economic-administrative areas




Financial Education, College Students, Credit


Financial literacy is a set of skills and knowledge of different financial components that can be applied to daily life (Ozkale & Ozdemir Erdogan,2022), likewise it is considered the ability to use various financial skills effectively and the understanding of financial components and skills. Financial literacy in terms of university students mainly consists of discerning financial concepts and terms, furthermore it involves the ability to use such financial knowledge effectively in real world situations. This work seeks to identify the conceptual structure of the level of financial education in university students of economic-administrative areas through the review of variables such as: financial behavior and management, financial self-efficacy, financial socialization, financial stress and optimism, financial dependence, subjective perceptions of need, credit card management and consumer debt, as well as financial knowledge.


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How to Cite

Valdés Medina, F. E., Martínez Ávila, M., & Jaramillo Benhumea, E. (2023). Analysis of the conceptual structure of the degree of financial education in university students of economic-administrative areas. Desarrollo Sustentable, Negocios, Emprendimiento Y Educación, 5(48), 1–12.


