Characteristics of family businesses: analysis between companies in Ciudad del Carmen, Campeche and Mérida, Yucatán




business administration, organizational structure, small business, decision making, business model


Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises represent an important part of Mexico's economy as generators of employment and one of the main sources of income. Hence the interest of governments in implementing policies to strengthen and develop them. Most of them arise from family enterprises that, with the passage of time, manage to become a formal company; however, in some cases, the family characteristics reduce their possibilities for growth. The objective of this research is to determine the characteristics of family businesses in Ciudad del Carmen, Campeche and the city of Mérida, Yucatán, based on a comparative diagnosis of socio-demographic aspects, challenges and priorities, ownership, succession planning and management remuneration, and conflict resolution. The research was conducted under a quantitative approach with a descriptive, non-experimental, cross-sectional design. The sample consisted of 216 companies in Mérida, Yucatán and 112 in Ciudad del Carmen, Campeche, with a confidence level of 95% and an error of 5%. It was found that, in both cities, most of the companies are relatively new and between five and 10 years old since their creation, they are categorized as micro and/or small due to the number of employees ranging from two to 50 workers, the main market where they carry out their operations is the regional one. Company growth, economic situation, innovation, and succession are the main challenges they face. These results lead to the conclusion that, due to their configuration, family businesses lack a formal organizational structure, which limits their development and growth, leading to stagnation and eventually to their closure.


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How to Cite

Contreras Avila, A., Jiménez Diez, O., & Mul Encalada, J. (2023). Characteristics of family businesses: analysis between companies in Ciudad del Carmen, Campeche and Mérida, Yucatán. Desarrollo Sustentable, Negocios, Emprendimiento Y Educación, 5(49), 99–114.


