The improvement of the techniques the legs in it Karate do school category
Improvement, techniques, Karaté, schoolAbstract
At present, the mechanisms to direct the process of improvement of karaté fighters in leg strikes are not enough, for this reason the author has proposed to design a methodological alternative that directs the process of preparation of the karaté leg techniques of the school category. , The delimitation of the research sample was carried out intentionally. From a population of 16 athletes that make up the karaté do sports enrollment, 8 karaté fighters were selected, representing 50% of the total, and the two coaches of said team. The selection criteria is due to the fact that the karaté fighters that make up the team have participated at least in provincial competitions. The quantitative and qualitative study was developed in the 2018-2019 school year. Among the methods used are analysis-synthesis, documentary analysis, hypothetical-deductive, induction-deduction as well as survey, observation, expert judgment and experiment. In the research carried out, as novel elements, the methodological sequences, and dosage of static and dynamic postural exercises are provided.
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