The formation and reading of simple words in children in the sixth year of life.




Activities, Simple words, Reading


The activities are a way to favor the development of skills in children in the sixth year of life, hence the importance of the researched topic. In the written report, the theoretical-methodological foundations that support the educational process of Mother Tongue in Early Childhood education are addressed. The research responds to one of the problems that currently affect the educational process in early childhood education: the formation and reading of simple words in children. The objective of this research is the elaboration of activities to favor the development of the skills of formation and reading of simple words in a child of the sixth year of life, of the educational institution "Carlos Manuel de Céspedes", of Unit 12 of the municipality of Cacocum. During the research procedure, different methods and techniques of educational research were used, such as the analysis and critique of sources, the hermeneutic, the systemic approach, observation, survey, interview, as well as the case study.


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How to Cite

Lago Pupo, A., & Fernández Rosado, J. C. (2024). The formation and reading of simple words in children in the sixth year of life. Desarrollo Sustentable, Negocios, Emprendimiento Y Educación, 6(54), 29–44.


