Sociodemographic factors and their relationship with preschool nutritional diagnosis
sociodemographic factors, nutritional diagnosis and preschoolAbstract
The importance of development, nutritional status and nutritional diagnosis in the pediatric stage according to all the sociodemographic factors that surround them is of great relevance because at this age is where a large part of their customs and habits are structured. Between the ages of 4 and 6, children assume their behavior patterns, the primary basis for decision-making, likes and dislikes.
Objective: to analyze the relationship between sociodemographic factors and nutritional status in pediatric patients in the preschool stage. Material and Methods: type of prospective cross-sectional analytical observational study. The population was 98, the sample with which we worked was established from 69 selected through a non-probabilistic convenience sampling. An Omron HBF-514 brand digital scale and a 2 meter long generic brand JSM-SH-2M-1 wall stadiometer were used. To analyze the relationship, the Chi-square statistical test was used, taking a p value less than 0.05 as significant. Results: the main economic remuneration of minors, the average was for eutrophy with 44% according to remuneration for own work, in the same diagnosis for remuneration for partner support it was 56%, and 0% for family support. . Followed by the diagnosis of overweight where there was 50% for own work and 50% for remuneration by the partner, without any percentage in the case of family support. No statistically significant relationship was found for these variables (p=0.09). Conclusion: a prevalence in the diagnosis of overweight and obesity was identified. For the diagnosis of eutrophy, 44% were observed for mothers in a free union relationship. Followed by the diagnosis of overweight where 43.8% for a married marital status, in the diagnosis of obesity 35.7% for married mothers.
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