Emergency Remote Teaching in Basic Education during the Covid-19 lockdown, case of a primary school in Mexico


  • Juan Romano Ramírez Instituto de Estudios Superiores ISIMA
  • Julio Álvarez Botello Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
  • Eva Martha Chaparro Salinas Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México




Teaching, strategies, education, pandemic


The remote education applied during the confinement by the coronavirus caused various changes in educational work. Due to this pandemic, the inequalities in which the population lives came to light and in extreme cases were maximized. For this reason, the present investigation established to identify the actions that allowed teachers greater access to Emergency Remote Teaching in basic education, which would allow identifying the experiences that allowed teachers to promote greater access to Teaching in their groups. For this, a qualitative study was carried out through an analysis through the ATLAS.ti 9 application to a study sample to establish the strategies and experiences that contrast with other teachers and that have had successful results in their remote application.


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How to Cite

Romano Ramírez, J., Álvarez Botello, J., & Chaparro Salinas, E. M. (2024). Emergency Remote Teaching in Basic Education during the Covid-19 lockdown, case of a primary school in Mexico. Desarrollo Sustentable, Negocios, Emprendimiento Y Educación, 6(56), 29–36. https://doi.org/10.51896/rilcods.v6i56.561


