Teaching from a coaching perspective in university classrooms:
The case of the UAEMex
Assertive communication, emotional well-being, teacher-coach, universities, self-learningAbstract
Coaching skills have permeated different areas of human development. The educational field as a starting point in academic and professional training requires important changes in the work performed by teachers to promote learning. Educational coaching is one of the alternatives that promotes teaching with new tools that drive continuous improvement in the educational sector (Rascón and Pérez, 2017; Ramos et al., 2019; Campayo, 2022). Coaching encourages the development of knowledge and educational quality based on aspects such as assertive communication, emotional well-being and self-learning processes in a society that demands greater closeness, interest and connection between people (Álvarez et al., 2018; Domínguez et al., 2018; Bernández and Belmonte, 2020; Bécart, 2016; Valero, 2019; Flores, 2021; Bécart and Ramírez, 2016). This paper is part of a larger and previous quantitative research where the findings of a questionnaire that was applied to a non-probabilistic incidental sample of 156 students, coming from three schooled degrees of the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México (UAEMéx), are exposed. The students' opinions about their teachers' skills were explored to identify those functions inscribed in the teacher-coach perspective and those that remain within the traditional model. Two different variables are analyzed in this paper: assertive communication and emotional well-being. The study also discusses reflections on the benefits that coaching can bring to the roles of teachers in universities. Self-knowledge, responsibility, emotional support and the level of depth in communication are aspects that add to educational quality, and that demonstrate that current needs demand other strategies.
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