Martí's pedagogical ideals. Reference for developing educational projects in Urbano Noris


  • Juan Raciel Suárez Suárez Centro Universitario Municipal Urbano Noris Cruz. Holguín
  • Beralia Suárez Torres Dirección Municipal de Educación. Urbano Noris Cruz. Holguín
  • Maité Yalina Monlongo Beltrán Centro Universitario Municipal Urbano Noris Cruz. Holguín



educational projects, Martí's ideology, pedagogy, Urbano Noris


The systematized study of José Martí's pedagogical and educational ideology allows us to understand its universal dimension, the current resonance that it preserves and the high values that are implicit in it.  His contributions related to education include valuable proposals and reflections about educational projects, plans and purposes that he thought about and wanted to develop or that, proposed and developed by others, he considered in his time, which are current and become references for the work to improve education.  In this article, a synthesized study of them is carried out, through the review of Martí's broad and profound work and supported by the synthesis from a contextualized interpretive vision, current ideas are addressed that corroborate the importance of going to Martí's legacy, such as theoretical tool to achieve higher educational quality and take on the challenges of an increasingly complex and demanding education.


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How to Cite

Suárez Suárez, J. R., Suárez Torres, B., & Monlongo Beltrán, M. Y. (2025). Martí’s pedagogical ideals. Reference for developing educational projects in Urbano Noris. Desarrollo Sustentable, Negocios, Emprendimiento Y Educación, 6(62), 71–79.


