García Lorca: another view. Fraud and myth. Editorial advance




Literary Analysis, Literary Criticism, Federico García Lorca, García Lorca, Literary History, Literature, Contemporary Literature, European Literature, Critical Thinking, Bibliographic Review


OUR STORY begins in Granada, at the beginning of July and August 1936. When the "murder" of Federico García Lorca (FGL) was sworn and carried out as "a settling of accounts", "a family matter"; and no, never as "a political question", converted by Stalinist propaganda and its fake news into a "political crime", in the stupid cheating of his "execution" by "the Falange forces" or by military troops, and always the closest "war front", in that Víznar that had never set foot FGL, and even with special soldiers sent ad hoc by "the Civil Government boureau."


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Jiménez, J. R. (1917). Eternidades. Compañía Ibero-Americana de Publicaciones Renacimiento.

Machado, A. (1937). Carta a David Vigodsky. Hora de España, abril 1937.

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2023-11-29 — Updated on 2023-12-01


How to Cite

Fortes Fernández , J. A. (2023). García Lorca: another view. Fraud and myth. Editorial advance. Revista Internacional De Educación Y Análisis Social Crítico Mañé, Ferrer & Swartz, 1(2), 224–231. (Original work published November 29, 2023)


