Aggressively technological: origins of cyberpunk and manifestation in literature, comics and cinema


  • Diego Maíllo Baz Universidad de Málaga, España.



cyberpunk, science fiction, punk, literature, urbanism, technology, critical thinking


In this article, cyberpunk has been portrayed as a crossover of environmental concerns that occurred in an era of science fiction known as new wave combined with a feeling of anxiety about the future of punk counterculture. In addition, the full relevance of this subgenre of science fiction is highlighted, since its projections anticipated many of the ethical dilemmas and theoretical concerns that exist today regarding issues such as the introduction of technology into our body, the growing gap between social classes or the dichotomy between urbanism and nature. Besides, other of the aims is to capture cyberpunk as a thematic and stylistic genre that has been expressed in almost all artistic areas, highlighting its representation in literature, comics and cinema.


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2023-11-30 — Updated on 2023-12-01


How to Cite

Maíllo Baz, D. (2023). Aggressively technological: origins of cyberpunk and manifestation in literature, comics and cinema. Revista Internacional De Educación Y Análisis Social Crítico Mañé, Ferrer & Swartz, 1(2), 1–33. (Original work published November 30, 2023)


