The algorithmic echo-chamber: the impact of amazon on cultural consumption and critical thinking




Algorithm, Amazon, capitalism, consumption, culture, philosophy, book, bookseller, critical thinking, cultural user, book sales


This essay evaluates Amazon's profound influence on cultural consumption, focusing on its impact on traditional knowledge spaces such as libraries and bookstores. Based on the effect on the individual of Amazon's recommendation algorithms, which tend towards feedback, compared to the traditional figure of the bookseller, the consequences that this has on the individual's capacity for freedom and self-awareness are analyzed. This relationship is explored based on the book Against Amazon, by Jorge Carrión, raising the implications of Amazon on cultural consumption, critical thinking, freedom of choice, the possibility of the individual to make a conscious decision and the constriction of intellectual horizons in a predominantly digital space.


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How to Cite

Masferrer, O. (2023). The algorithmic echo-chamber: the impact of amazon on cultural consumption and critical thinking. Revista Internacional De Educación Y Análisis Social Crítico Mañé, Ferrer & Swartz, 1(2), 149–159.


