The forging of the citizen-robot. Viruses, ghoul capitalism and optimization of democratic fascism, by Pedro García Olivo (Ediciones Fantasma, 2024).
Cultural anthropology, Citizenship, Covid-19, Dystopia, Education for global citizenship, Pedagogy, Critical thinking, Politics, SociologyAbstract
All these years of anti-pedagogy have led Pedro García Olivo -who has sometimes been defined as an eccentric, a radical, a madman, who has been verbally and vehemently attacked for carrying out a lucid and at the same time uncomfortable analysis- to be capable of conveying to us his understanding of how this process of self-repression that we experience in school is the germ of the much feared neo-fascism, which will not come (or will it, too) due to the feared rise of the right-wing, but rather due to the consolidation of a “Single Subjectivity”, a global form of consciousness retreated into mechanical assent and the fear of differing that can only occur in the liberal capitalist society of current democracies: Auschwitz -he reminds us- was only possible within a "highly civilized" society.
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García, P. (2024). La forja del ciudadano-robot. Virus, capitalismo necrófago y optimización del fascismo democrático. Ediciones Fantasma.
Reich, W. (2020) Psicología de masas del fascismo. Enclave de Libros Ediciones.
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