Being a ‘good’ teacher in changing times: the example of (North) Macedonia




Educational policy, educational population, Macedonian, neoliberalism, North Macedonia, social change, teachers


This paper presents results regarding teachers’ situation in the school system of North Macedonia, a recent country; it has existed only for 30 years as a national state in its own right. There is a huge research gap with regard to (North) Macedonia in many respects. As in other European countries, the school system is transformed through neoliberal developments, but also through the many changes happening after the end of Yugoslavia. As politics have a strong effect on schooling in bureaucratic systems, it is important to look at the situation now, in the modern national state, compared to the situation before, as a region of the SFRY (Social Federal Republic of Yugoslavia). In order to research the role of teachers in implementing educational policies, teachers who had studied (and worked) at the time of the Yugoslavian Macedonia were interviewed. The qualitative data was analysed using content analysis. The recent transformations through New Public Management changes and through global pressures on education become visible. Particularly visible are the erosion of trust and a declining social recognition of the teaching profession.


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2023-11-30 — Updated on 2023-12-01


How to Cite

Atanasoska, T. (2023). Being a ‘good’ teacher in changing times: the example of (North) Macedonia. Revista Internacional De Educación Y Análisis Social Crítico Mañé, Ferrer & Swartz, 1(2), 34–55. (Original work published November 30, 2023)


