Interconnection between violence towards animals and the social fabric:
Exploring the social and community consequences.
Animal abuse, social cohesion, social framework, animal welfareAbstract
The present study analyzes how animal abuse can act as a precursor to domestic violence and its impact on social cohesion. Using a socio-constructivist approach, the research focuses on exploring individuals' beliefs and perceptions about this phenomenon, and how continued exposure to animal cruelty desensitizes people to other forms of violence. At the community level, a decrease in social cohesion is observed in environments where animal abuse is common, which increases mistrust and insecurity. The methodology combines qualitative and quantitative approaches, revealing a widespread perception that animal abuse is linked to domestic violence. The results show that a high percentage of respondents recognize the relationship between animal abuse and domestic violence, as well as the negative impact on social cohesion. Furthermore, a widespread perception of ineffectiveness in public institutions to address the problem was identified, which contributes to impunity and perpetuates the cycle of violence. Animal abuse should be considered a social problem that goes beyond animal welfare, since it is closely linked to violence towards human beings. The implementation of public policies and educational programs on animal welfare could be a key strategy to prevent violence in general and strengthen the social framework.
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