Disciplinary training versus transdisciplinary training in the digital age





Disciplinary Training, Transdisciplinary Training, Digital Age


The current epochal trends in university education have led to the study of complex and multidimensional realities in this dynamic interconnected globalized world, loaded with uncertainties and contradictions, allowing the opening of a multi-referential and multi-methodological range that configures a new mode of knowledge production betting more on the integration than to discipline. This product is part of the qualitative, phenomenological paradigm of a hermeneutic type supported by critical theory; intends to use information focused on an interpretive analysis combining this leap from the disciplinary to the transdisciplinary, creating a break with simplifying and reductionist thinking, which conceives the objectivist and fragmented idea of ​​reality, making it necessary to open paths towards the multiplicity of concepts and meanings with transdisciplinary vision; providing greater flexibility in the understanding, explanation and interpretation of new perspectives and realities oriented towards a new scientific rationality in the knowledge society. The purpose of the research is to generate a new vision in the transdisciplinary training of Unellez teachers as a dynamic axis that produces knowledge in the digital age. The investigative strategies were made by collecting and implementing information provided by (05) five key informants, applying the interview technique, developing subcategories designed by the researcher representing the basis for hermeneusis, this new academic vision performs an interpretative analysis obtaining findings and results. of the phenomenon studied that respond to this paradigmatic leap from the disciplinary to the transdisciplinary in the training of the university teacher, orienting towards new scientific and technological demands of the 21st century.


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How to Cite

Arcila, D. M. C., & Guerra, D. P. L. (2023). Disciplinary training versus transdisciplinary training in the digital age. Observatorio De Las Ciencias Sociales En Iberoamérica, 4(3), 27–39. https://doi.org/10.51896/ocsi.v4i3.207


