Elites, think tanks and their influence on educational policies: the case of Inter-american Dialogue
Think tanks, educational policies, education governance, neoliberalism, Inter-American DialogueAbstract
This paper analyses the role of current think tanks in education policy based on the case study of the Inter-American Dialogue's education project, the most representative think tank at the educational level in Latin America, as well as the links that this organization has generated with other sectors in order to promote its education reform programme in government policies and the direction in which it is heading. The research methodology used was Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA), analysing the texts and documents produced by this think tank from 1995 to 2020. The findings show that Dialogue promotes global education policies in Latin America that underpin the neoliberal model of growth of the capitalist economy, increase the presence of private actors in education policy through so-called hybrid governance and open up new market niches for companies in the "education business".
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