The collapse of the Self. Towards an education for interior emancipation




Education, self-exploitation, inner emancipation, ego, conscience, radical and inclusive paradigm, contemplative life


The article reflects on the need to free the self from the egoic self-exploitation fostered by competitiveness, capitalist consumption and the scientific-technical values ​​of rationality that current education promotes. By focusing only on competency performance, it prevents awareness of the inner reality to achieve self-emancipation, as well as emancipation through social change. This essay aims to elucidate the mechanisms of internal oppression that end up exhausting the self, fostered by unlimited desire and egotic self-affirmation. Thus, the individual would tend to get sick due to excessive self-demand and the lack of full awareness that allows him to emancipate himself internally. A possible solution would come from the application of the radical and inclusive paradigm, which would promote the evolution of the human being through the renunciation of the egotic self towards greater consciousness, to find internally the peace, wisdom and compassion necessary to jointly change the external world and community.


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2024-06-05 — Updated on 2024-06-20


How to Cite

Ruiz Roldán, P., & de la Herrán Gascón, A. (2024). The collapse of the Self. Towards an education for interior emancipation. Revista Internacional De Educación Y Análisis Social Crítico Mañé, Ferrer & Swartz, 2(1), 321–339. (Original work published June 5, 2024)


