The implementation of loyalty strategies in digital marketing companies in Mexico to attract new customers
Marketing, Loyalty Customers strategies, Digital MarketingAbstract
In Mexico's competitive environment, the lack of loyalty strategies is a significant obstacle to the growth of digital marketing companies that focus on capturing the attention of new consumers. These companies, with less than ten years of existence, experience a high demand for services due to the interest of clients wanting to position their businesses. This article aims to analyze the marketing strategies used by these companies for the loyalty and retention of their potential clients. The literature review highlights the importance of using loyalty programs for customer retention and personalized communication to maintain long-term effective relationship who increases loyalty in the long term. From a qualitative approach, interviews were conducted with ten directors and managers of digital marketing companies about the experiences and strategies they manage with their clients. The results suggest using personalized incentives, exclusive discounts, and additional free services to foster loyalty. Audience segmentation and message personalization according to the communication channel serve as a link with the customer during their purchase process. However, the lack of formal loyalty programs and referral strategies needs more attention. This article describes recommendations about loyalty and positioning strategies for digital marketing companies that want to attract, evaluate satisfaction, and increase customer loyalty to drive their growth and profitability.
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