Human Rights control mechanisms at national and international level


  • David Richar Ochoa Díaz UNELLEZ, Venezuela



Human rights, Control mechanisms, National and international legal instruments


This article is the product of an ongoing research entitled:  Legal Model for the Protection of Human Rights in Venezuela; from a Critical Review, whose author is David Richar Ochoa Díaz, this article will interpret the mechanisms of control of Human Rights in Venezuela that constitute a fundamental factor for the development and evolution of human beings from the integrality as a social individual, creating prerogatives based on human dignity, from a national and international legal order. The research is based on the qualitative paradigm using interpretative hermeneutic phenomenological methods, based on the critical theory of Human Rights. The objective is to develop a legal model that facilitates the understanding of human rights and the mechanisms available for their control in legal instruments at the national and international levels. The research methodology involved the collection of data provided by five key informants or research subjects. The technique of structured interviews was used through a detailed script, with subcategories elaborated by the researcher, which constituted the basis for hermeneutics. Significant findings on the phenomenon under study were identified and an innovative perspective on human rights and its control mechanisms was proposed as a theoretical and research contribution. It is concluded that these must be inclusive, adaptable and sensitive to the different realities that people face globally, encompassing new sensitivities and challenges that constantly arise.


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How to Cite

Ochoa Díaz, D. R. (2024). Human Rights control mechanisms at national and international level. Observatorio De Las Ciencias Sociales En Iberoamérica, 5(1), 90–103.


