Improving university management based on customer satisfaction through the Net Promise Score


  • María Luisa Montás Valera (OCSI) - ISSN: 2660-5554.



University management, customer service quality, internal customer, external customer, Net Promise Score


This article addresses the relevance of considering the quality of services in higher education institutions and presents the use of the Net Promoter Score (NPS) as a method to assess the quality of service to both internal and external customers at the APEC University (UNAPEC). The implementation of the NPS in the university environment can provide a deeper understanding of the needs and expectations of students, identify areas for improvement and design effective strategies to improve the educational experience. The research was carried out using a mixed and descriptive approach, without experimentation, and data was collected through focus groups and quantitative questionnaires addressed to internal and external clients of UNAPEC. The NPS application generated valuable data that enabled UNAPEC to develop more effective marketing campaigns, increase customer loyalty, and generate higher revenue. In addition, he helped set customer satisfaction goals and make decisions based on the feedback received. The importance of implementing initiatives to avoid customer loss and increase retention was emphasized. In conclusion, the use of the NPS at UNAPEC made it possible to identify areas for improvement in the quality of customer service and to take measures to satisfy the needs and expectations of customers.


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How to Cite

Montás Valera, M. L. (2023). Improving university management based on customer satisfaction through the Net Promise Score. Observatorio De Las Ciencias Sociales En Iberoamérica, 4(3), 49–57.


