About the Journal
There are many multidisciplinary digital journals that we can find, Observatorio de las Ciencias Sociales en Iberoamérica (OCSI) offers a means of dissemination for students, independent researchers, members of the educational community all concerned with applying critical thinking in their different categories of studies. At OCSI, we will publish scientific works and essays that we consider can contribute to the improvement of knowledge. The texts must be original, not have been published in any media nor be in the process of publication, and compliance with this standard is the responsibility of the authors. OCSI is a quarterly, blind peer-reviewed journal. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
At EUMED.NET we believe that the current editorial policy, criticized by many as undemocratic and unfair, does not facilitate the free dissemination of knowledge. However, we are aware of the importance of belonging to the highest category, which is why, without abandoning our principles, we will work to meet the demands that we encounter every day. For this we have a serious, responsible, professional work team, but, above all, excited and committed to this project to make this magazine go as far as possible with the help of equally professional and responsible authors. We believe that current editorial policies hinder the dissemination of free thought, critical and independent thought. In the journal Observatorio de las Ciencias Sociales en Iberoamérica, we want to offer an alternative for authors who do not feel comfortable with the complex editorial policies imposed on us and who want to make their work public, maintaining basic citation and writing standards that allow for striking contribution to the intellectual world.
Current Issue

There are many multidisciplinary digital magazines available. The Observatory of Social Sciences in Ibero-America (OCSI) offers a means of dissemination for students, independent researchers, and members of the educational community concerned with applying critical thinking to their various fields of study. At OCSI, we publish scientific papers and essays that we believe can contribute to the advancement of knowledge. Texts must be original and not have been published elsewhere or in the process of being published. It is the authors' responsibility to comply with this standard. OCSI is a quarterly, peer-reviewed magazine. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
At EUMED.NET, we believe that the current editorial policy, which many consider undemocratic and unfair, does not facilitate the free dissemination of knowledge. However, we are aware of the importance of belonging to the highest category, and therefore, without abandoning our principles, we will work to meet the demands we encounter every day. To this end, we have a serious, responsible, and professional team, but, above all, one that is enthusiastic and committed to this project, ensuring that this magazine reaches as far as possible through equally professional and responsible authors. We believe that current editorial policies hinder the dissemination of free, critical, and independent thought. At the Observatory of Social Sciences in Ibero-America, we aim to offer an alternative for authors who are uncomfortable with the complex editorial policies imposed on us and wish to make their work public, while maintaining basic citation and writing standards that allow for a compelling contribution to the intellectual world.